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Choose A Job You Love

I put “job” in quotes because what I do never feels like “work.”

Darn it! Quotes again. Who knew such common words would be so hard to define.

My business coach asks me the same question about every meeting or call I take: “When you’re done, do you feel energized or drained?”

If I’m drained, it’s work.

I don’t do much work these days.

Yesterday was a perfect example. I setup a call with an acquaintance I was pretty sure I could help. I’ve known about him for years and finally met him at a conference I help facilitate (he was one of the keynote speakers). We hit it off quite well and promised to stay in touch.

Communication was minimal for a while because he was finishing up work on a book about a major component of his life’s work. That book is now on the market and doing quite well.

Now he’s ready for the next step, which is why I’m so excited.

I’ve been fortunate to have great teachers, coaches and mentors throughout my life. Now my whole life is focused on getting the wisdom from master teachers into the hands and heads of

But it’s sometimes hard to convince masters to move from doing to teaching. They’ve been successful at honing and utilizing their craft, but teaching requires a new set of skills. It’s my job, both for them and for the rest of the world, to provide the tools and techniques to move them into a new phase.

Sounds like “work,” huh?

Typically not, and here’s why:

Almost everyone I talk to exudes three qualities required to be a great teacher

  • Knowledge
  • Exuberance
  • Humility

Knowledge should be obvious. You have to have something to pass on.

Exuberance is inevitable if you enjoy what you do.

Humility comes from understanding that mastery is an ongoing process. The best teachers are eternal students.

So imagine making a “sales call,” wherein you get to learn hidden secrets from a master, feel their excitement and yet be certain that they could teach you (or anyone) everything they know.

For me, the only “work” is having to hang up the phone.